Cross Browser Testing

Prathamesh Pawar
4 min readJan 18, 2023

Cross-browser testing is the process of testing a website or web application on multiple web browsers and browser versions to ensure that it looks and functions correctly for all users.

Cross-Browser Testing is important for several reasons:

  • Compatibility:
    It’s a must to test websites on different browsers as they may interpret and display code differently. This makes sure that all users have the same experience and that you don’t have to deal with any functional issues.
  • User Experience:
    Cross-browser testing ensures that users have the same experience regardless of the browser they are using, eliminating the need to worry about how things look on different browsers!
  • Accessibility:
    Cross-browser testing is an important part of website/application development, helping to ensure that the site can be used by users regardless of their web browser, thus maximizing reach and accessibility.
  • Security:
    It is essential to perform cross-browser testing to ensure that your web pages and applications are secure on all browsers. This is because each browser has its own set of security settings, so it’s important to check & make sure your website follows the appropriate protocol for each particular browser.

Some common cross-browser compatibility issues:

  • Layout and styling differences:
    Different browsers may have variations in how they handle CSS, leading to layout and styling differences such as inconsistent margins, padding, and font sizes.
  • Functionality discrepancies: Some browsers may not support certain HTML5 or JavaScript features, resulting in functionality issues such as form validation or video playback.
  • Box model differences: The way browsers calculate the size and position of elements can vary, leading to layout issues such as elements appearing larger or smaller than intended.
  • Inconsistent support for web fonts: Some browsers may not support certain font formats, leading to the fallback to default fonts.
  • Differences in how form elements are rendered: Some browsers may have slight variations in how they display form elements such as checkboxes, radio buttons, and select boxes.
  • Inconsistent handling of hover and active states: Some browsers may not handle these states the same way, leading to variations in the appearance of elements.
  • Inconsistent handling of transparent PNG images: Some older browser versions may not display these images correctly, leading to visual artifacts.

Features need to be tested while performing cross-browser testing:

When performing cross-browser testing, there are several key features that should be tested to ensure that a website or web application functions properly across different browsers. These include:

  • Layout and Design:
    Test that the website’s layout and design are consistent across different browsers and that all elements are properly aligned and spaced.
  • Compatibility:
    Test that the website is compatible with different versions of popular browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  • Functionality:
    Test that all functions and features of the website, such as forms, links, and buttons, work properly across different browsers.
  • Performance:
    Test the website’s loading time and overall performance on different browsers to ensure that it functions quickly and efficiently.
  • Responsiveness:
    Test that the website is responsive and adapts well to different screen sizes and resolutions, including mobile devices.
  • Accessibility:
    Test that the website is accessible to users with disabilities, including those who use screen readers or keyboard navigation.
  • JavaScript and CSS:
    Test that JavaScript and CSS elements are working properly and consistent across different browsers.
  • Third-party plug-ins:
    Test that any third-party plug-ins, such as Flash or Java, are working correctly across different browsers.

How to perform cross-browser testing:

There are several ways to perform cross-browser testing:

  • Manual testing:
    where a tester manually checks the website on different web browsers and browser versions.
  • Automated testing:
    where a testing tool is used to automate the testing process across different web browsers and browser versions.
  • Virtualized testing:
    where a virtual machine is used to emulate different web browsers and browser versions, allowing the tester to test the website on multiple environments without the need for multiple physical devices.
  • Browser Stack:
    It is a cloud-based cross-browser testing platform that allows you to run tests on more than 2000 browser-OS-device combinations without any setup.
  • Sauce Labs:
    It is another popular web-based cross-browser testing platform, which also allows you to run tests on multiple browser-OS-device combinations.

Tools for Cross-Browser Testing:

There are several tools available for cross-browser testing, some popular options include:

  • Selenium:
    An open-source tool that automates web browsers and is commonly used for browser testing.
  • BrowserStack:
    A cloud-based platform that allows you to test your website on a variety of browsers and devices.
  • Sauce Labs:
    Another cloud-based platform for testing web and mobile applications on a variety of browsers and devices.
  • LambdaTest:
    A cloud-based platform that allows you to test your website on a variety of browsers and devices, including real mobile devices.
  • TestComplete:
    functional test automation tool that supports cross-browser testing and allows you to test web, mobile, and desktop applications.

